号数 ばね論文集 57 号( 2012 年)
ページ数 pp.9-15
種類 論文
論文名 ショットピーニング特性に及ぼす機械的性質と残留オーステナイトの影響
Title Influences of Mechanical Properties and Retained Austenite Content on Shot-peening Characteristics
著者 小林祐次1),辻俊哉1),石倉亮平2),井上圭介2) 
Author Yuji KOBAYASHI1), Toshiya TSUJI1), Ryohei ISHIKURA2) and Keisuke INOUE2) 
抄録 ショットピーニングは,疲労強度を向上させる表面改質方法として,浸炭鋼やばね鋼のような炭素量が高い材料に用いられる。ショットピーニング特性において,圧縮残留応力と表面硬さは疲労強度向上を増加させるパラメータとし重要である.ショットピーニングによる硬さ増加と圧縮残留応力の付与には,耐力や残留オーステナイトが関係し,それらがピーニング特性に与える影響を調査することは非常に重要である.本研究では,機械的特質および残留オーステナイトを変化させたクロム鋼およびクロムモリブデン鋼に対し、ショットピーニングを行い,ショットピーニング特性である硬さ,残留応力に及ぼす機械的特質と残留オーステナイト量の影響を調査した.その結果,以下の結果が得られた.
Abstract Shot peening is used for the material which are high carbon steel such as carburized steel and spring steel as a surface enhance method to increase fatigue strength. The compressive residual stress and work hardening induced by shot peening are important shot peening characteristics to increase fatigue strength. The
compressive residual stress and work hardening induced by shot peening are strongly influenced by material property such as mechanical property and retained austenite, and to investigate influence of material property on shot peening characteristics is very important. In this study, we carried out shot peening to chrome steel and chrome molybdenum steel which changed retained austenite volume and mechanical property, and we investigated relationship between shot peening
characteristics and material property. As a result, we gained the following conclusions.
1)It was found that materials with a higher rate of change of retained austenite content are more easily hardened by shot-peening because of a larger amount of deformation-induced martensite and work hardening.
2)When there was almost no change in retained austenite content, the maximum compressive residual stress was about 60% of the 0.2% proof stress. A higher rate of change of retained austenite content tended to result in increased maximum compressive residual stress compared to the 0.2% proof stress. This is probably due to the increased 0.2% proof stress of the shot-peened material.  
著者の所属 1)新東工業株式会社 2)大同特殊鋼株式会社 
Key Words Shot peening, Residual stress, Retained austenite, Yield stress, Work hardening